A family interested in using the Extended Day Program must register each school year.
On full school days, the program will run Monday - Friday from 2:30pm to 6:00 pm. It will follow the school calendar.
The program will also be available on select days when dismissal is 11:15 am / 11:30am. Availability will go to 5:30pm on HALF days. Parents will be notified in advance through the monthly school calendar and weekly Wednesday Flocknotes.
The program will NOT be available when school is closed or there is an early dismissal due to inclement weather, on holidays, or on holy days. It will NOT be available on half days before Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Extended care will end the Wednesday of the last week of school.
Parents are responsible for notifying the program staff or main office of any changes in their child's schedule at least 24 hours in advance. Messages may be left at the school office, at (914) 723-5608 or email [email protected].
Children should bring their own drinks and snacks. On early dismissal days, students are expected to bring their own lunch. All food must be nut free.
Punctuality in picking up your child is essential. Additional rates apply after 6:00pm and are assessed at a rate of $20 per 30 minutes.
Parents will be billed at the beginning of the month for the previous month’s services. Payment should be given to the school office. Only cash or check is accepted for the early morning/extended day program. Checks are to be made payable to "IHM School" and made in a timely fashion.
Homework may be completed in the Extended Day Program should the student wish to do so.
The Extended Day Program provides students with an opportunity for socialization, playing games, building blocks, completing puzzles, drawing, painting or simply reading if they wish.
We ask that all PK3 and PK4 students have an extra change of clothes available for aftercare. the clothes will be stored in the aftercare room.
Fees are computed in increments of 30 minutes. $5.00 is charged for care up to 30 minutes, or a maximum of $10 per child, per hour.
$50.00 registration fee per family is required before a child may join the Extended Day Program. (September through June). The fee must be paid before the child can participate.
Extended care staff have all registered students emergency contact forms that parents filled out and turned into the office.
The Extended Day Program is held in PK4 Barone's room.
ONLY in case of an emergency, during extended day hours, please call 914-874-0199.